From Dr. Michael A. Pikos with Dr. Richard J. Miron
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Includes all of the following:
Video 11: Fully Guided Full Arch Immediate Implant Reconstruction Two Arch Case with nSequence Prosthetic Protocol (1hr 46min) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs Available for immediate online viewing, Please allow 8 weeks delivery for Blu-ray and DVD disks.
This video will feature a two jaw fully guided full arch immediate implant reconstruction case using the nSequence® prosthetic plan. It will focus on a comprehensive, step by step surgical protocol and includes detailed coverage from extractions to placement of the provisional prostheses with 5-year follow-up. There are many pearls to be gleaned from this video.
Learning objectives:
Video 10: Sinus Graft with Immedate Implant Placement (49min 57sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This video will feature a right sinus augmentation with simultaneous placement of two implants in a nonsubmerged mode. Step by step protocols will include incision design, flap management, sinus bone grafting with particulate allograft, xenograft and L-PRF, along with simultaneous placement of two implants nonsubmerged.
Products: Piezosurgery device, Memlok membrane, titanium tacks, MinerOss, BioOss, L-PRF, BioHorizons implants, Vicryl and Cytoplast PTFE suture
Video 9: Titanium Mesh Removal and Implant Placement: Status Post Horizontal Augmentation of the Anterior Mandible (23min 54sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
Note: Placement of titanium mesh removed in this video is featured in Video 8.
This video will feature a step by step protocol for titanium mesh removal with implant placement of the anterior mandible. A previous video showcased the use of titanium mesh with rhBMP-2 and particulate allograft/xenograft for horizontal alveolar ridge augmentation of the mandibular incisor region. A sequential approach will be described for flap management, titanium mesh retrieval, implant placement and soft tissue closure.
Products: Ellman Surgitron, Osteomed screwdriver, Quinn periosteal elevator, BioHorizons small diameter implants, healing abutments, nylon and Cytoplast PTFE sutures
Video 8: Titanium Mesh / rhBMP-2 Bone Graft for Mandibular Anterior Horizontal Deficiency (30min 10sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
Note: Removal of titanium mesh placed in this video is featured in Video 9.
This video will feature the use of rhBMP-2/ACS with titanium mesh to augment a horizontal alveolar ridge deficiency associated with two remaining mandibular incisors. Incision design, flap reflection and release, site preparation, along with step by step description of the application of rhBMP-2 and partial allograft / xenograft will be covered in detail. Soft tissue closure with specific suture techniques will also be shown.
Products: rhBMP-2, MinerOss, BioOss, Titanium Mesh, Ellman Surgitron, Osteomed screws, L-PRF, Cytoplast PTFE sutures.
Video 7: Mandibular Vestibuloplasty with Alloderm® and PRF; Simultaneous, Stage Two Implant Surgery (24min 55sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This video will include a step by step protocol of an edentulous mandible vestibuloplasty in preparation for an implant bar supported overdenture. It will feature the use of acellular dermis matrix (Alloderm), detailed recipient site preparation, and the role of radiosurgery and L-PRF.
Products: Alloderm, Ellman Surgitron (Radiosurgery), L-PRF
Video 6: Flapless Extraction #8 with Socket Graft, PTCTG™ (Pedicle Tunnel Connective Tissue Graft™) and L-PRF (24min 43sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This video will feature flapless extraction of tooth #8 (maxillary right central incisor) with socket graft and simultaneous placement of a Pedicle Tunnel Connective Tissue Graft (PTCTG™). A detailed step by step description will cover the flapless extraction, use of mineralized allograft (MinerOss®), along with both the harvesting of the Pedicle Tunnel Connective Tissue Graft and placement of this graft in to the facial pouch created at the socket recipient site. Donor site closure will also be featured with use of L-PRF.
Products: MinerOss®, Powertome, periotome, dental alveolar curette, periodontal probe, Ellman® Surgitron® Radiosurgery®, L-PRF, 5-0 Nylon suture, 4-0 Vicryl suture, Essix retainer
Video 5: Sinus Augmentation with rhBMP-2 and Simultaneous Nonsubmerged Implant Placement (30min 50sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This case features the use of rhBMP-2 and mineralized allograft for grafting the partially pneumatized left maxillary sinus along with simultaneous placement of a large diameter implant in a non submerged mode into the maxillary left second bicuspid site. The step by step surgical protocol will focus on incision design, lateral window osteotomy, membrane elevation and repair, the use of rhBMP-2 for bone grafts, and simultaneous non-submerged implant placement.
Products: Carestream 3D imaging software, Piezosurgery, Mem-Lok Collagen Membrane, PRGF, AutoTac, rhBMP-2, MinerOss, Biohorizons Tapered Internal Laser-Lok Implant
Video 4: Anterior Maxillary Ridge Expansion and Implant Placement with Veneer Bone Graft (rhPDGF-BB + Mineralized Allograft) (32min 23sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This video will cover a unique step by step surgical protocol of anterior maxillary ridge expansion and simultaneous implant placement. It will include buccal veneer grafting with mineralized allograft and rhPDGF and use of a collagen membrane with fixation. It also features soft tissue flap manipulation and suturing.
Products: Ellman Surgitron, PiezoSurgery, Spatula Osteotomes, BioHorizons Laser- Lok Tapered Internal Implants, MinerOss, Gem 21 (rhPDGF-BB), CollaTape, Mem-Lok Collagen Membrane, AutoTac
Video 3: rhBMP-2 and Mineralized Allograft with Titanium Reinforced PTFE Membrane for Extraction of Compromised Mandibular Right First Molar (24min 54sec)
This patient presented with mandibular right first molar in a failing mode that included periapical pathology and buccal plate loss. This video details surgical tooth extraction along with site preparation and the use of rhBMP-2 and mineralized allograft. It also features the use of a titanium reinforced PTFE membrane with appropriate screw fixation. Finally, it includes detailed soft tissue manipulation and suturing.
Products: rhBMP-2, MinerOss, Cytoplast titanium reinforced membrane, Pro-fix screws
Video 2: Resorbable Mesh/rhBMP-2 Bone Graft for Maxillary Anterior Horizontal Deficiency (24min 49sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This video will feature the use of rhBMP-2/ACS with resorbable mesh (SonicWeld) to correct a horizontal deficiency of the existing atrophic maxillary central incisor sites. Incision design, flap reflection and release,site preparation, along with step-by-step description of the application of rhBMP-2 with SonicWeld mesh will be covered in detail. Soft tissue closure with specific suturing techniques will also be shown.
Products: rhBMP-2, MinerOss, SonicWeld, Mem-Lok Collagen Membrane, AutoTac Products: rhBMP-2, MinerOss, SonicWeld, Mem-Lok Collagen Membrane, AutoTac
Video 1: Pedicle Tunnel Connective Tissue Graft™ (PTCTG™): Flapless Extraction Maxillary Central Incisor With Socket Graft (29min 20sec) Contains Both HD 1080 Blu-ray and SD DVD Discs
This video will feature the use of a unique pedicle tunnel connective tissue graft technique in conjunction with flapless extraction of a compromised maxillary central incisor, and simultaneous socket grafting with a mineralized allograft. Detailed step-by-step procurement and placement of a pedicle connective tissue graft is discussed in detail. Recipient and donor site closure will also be covered.
Products: Powertome, Periotome, MinerOss